Smaller offset litho printers

For the smaller offset litho printer, one major headache is planning an increasing number of jobs with shorter run-lengths. With the expert tools that Printsum provides, this headache virtually disappears.

Unlike many other systems we can calculate from a simple description the most cost-effective production method.  So you'll know instantly when the run length makes it advisable to use a different press, or how to get the best number up for the best fit on the best material size for even the most awkward job. The logical consequence of this is that you get uniformity of quoting.

Every quote, from a business card to a complex folder becomes straightforward to do. From that initial job definition flows all the rest of the workflow - quotation, conformation note, jobsheet, delivery note, invoice, box labels - it's all there.

The tools are all provided, from quote through to invoice, with CRM tools, purchase orders, delivery notes, box labels, links to accounts, job costing etc.

What's more, its specially designed so that you don't have to use it all. The rest is all there for you to grow into.

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